How to Send a Press Release: Step-by-Step Guide

Sending out a press release is an important part of any marketing and PR strategy. It allows you to showcase your brand, products, or services to a wider audience and gain media coverage. As a leading SEO, PR, and media company, Rose SEO knows the importance of a well-written and strategically sent out press release. In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to send a press release, including how to send it to local media outlets.

Why Press Releases Matter to Rose SEO

Press releases are an integral part of our services at Rose SEO. They play a crucial role in helping our clients gain online visibility, increase brand awareness, and boost their search engine rankings. As a PR and media company, we understand the power of a well-written press release and the impact it can have on a brand’s reputation and success.

How to Send Out a Press Release

Sending out a press release effectively can significantly increase your company’s visibility and media presence. Here’s a detailed guide to make the process straightforward and impactful.

Step 1: Develop Your Message

The first and most crucial step in creating a press release is to define the core message. This message should be both newsworthy and relevant to the audiences you aim to reach. It could be about a new product launch, a significant company milestone, an upcoming event, or any important announcement that could capture media interest. Ensure that the message clearly communicates what makes this news important and why the audience should care about it.

Step 2: Write the Press Release

Once your message is defined, begin writing the press release. Structure it to include a compelling headline, an informative lead paragraph, and a body that elaborates the details. Remember to:

  • Craft a Strong Headline: Your headline should grab attention and make the reader want to learn more.
  • Lead with the Most Important Information: Use the first paragraph to provide the most critical details. Answer who, what, when, where, why, and how to ensure the essential elements of your news are covered.
  • Provide Supporting Details: Use the subsequent paragraphs to go into detail about the announcement. Include quotes from key stakeholders, statistics, and any additional information that supports your main message and adds credibility.
  • Include a Boilerplate: At the end of the press release, include a short paragraph about your company. This section, known as the boilerplate, should provide background information about the business and mention its achievements and mission statement.

Step 3: Identify and Target the Right Media Outlets

Research and create a list of media outlets and journalists that cover topics related to your press release. Targeting the right audience is crucial for ensuring your press release gets picked up. Consider both large national outlets and smaller, niche publications that may be more interested in your specific announcement.

Step 4: Use a Distribution Service

For wider dissemination, consider using a press release distribution service. These services can send your press release to a network of journalists, newsrooms, and publications. Choose a service that aligns with your industry and target audience to maximize the chances of your press release being picked up.

Step 5: Send Personalized Pitches

In addition to using a distribution service, personalize pitches to key journalists and influencers who might find your news particularly compelling. Tailor your pitch to show why your news fits their coverage area and could interest their readers. A personalized approach can be very effective in securing media coverage.

Step 6: Follow Up

After sending out your press release, don’t hesitate to follow up with the journalists you’ve pitched personally. A polite follow-up email can help remind them of your press release and demonstrate your earnestness about the news you’re sharing. However, be respectful of their time and avoid being too persistent.

Step 7: Monitor and Analyze Results

Finally, monitor the coverage your press release receives and analyze the results. See which outlets picked up your release, the reach of these outlets, and the engagement of the audiences. Understanding these outcomes can help you refine your approach for future press releases.


Sending out a press release is a valuable tool in your marketing and PR arsenal. By following these steps and targeting local media outlets, you can increase the chances of your press release getting picked up, and ultimately, boost your brand’s visibility and credibility. As a PR and media company, Rose SEO can help you craft and distribute highly effective press releases that will help you achieve your marketing goals. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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